Strategy Innovation

Transforming Companies. Changing the rules of the game.

Strategy Innovation is a service company focused on strategic innovation. It was founded in 2015 as a spin-off of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and now it is totally independent. Strategy Innovation continues to collaborate with the university world in discussion and research projects for the creation of a widespread culture on strategic innovation.

Strategy Innovation can count on a heterogeneous group of consultants composed by aziendalists, designers, engineers, sociologists, psychologists, and literati that allows it to operate in any sector and market. Interdisciplinarity – combined with the network made available by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – is a trademark that makes it a unique reality in Italy in the field of strategic consulting and research-intervention services.

  • Team
  • Partner
  • Library
Supported Languages
  • Italian
  • English
Core Geographies Serviced
  • Italy
Contact Details
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Sestiere Dorsoduro 3246, Venice (VE), Veneto, 30123,
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04323680274 (C.F. e P.IVA)
Paolo Bosco
Chief Strategy Sales Officer, Eurofork

Interesting, fun and engaging, all companies were very involved and engaged. The content was amazing, the advisors were fantastic, all providing clear explanations and always available to provide support whenever needed.

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We’ve supported some of the world’s most successful organisations in developing their strategic North Star – and now, it’s your turn!