Designed for strategy. Built for every industry.

Anywhere there is a P&L, there is also the opportunity for growth and scale. Strategy in Action is a subscription-based service built to support businesses across different industries and sectors in building strategic coherence and success.

Who we serve

At the heart of SiA lies robust adaptability. Whether you’re sculpting the strategy of your large enterprise, developing the way forward to growth for a Business Unit, or crafting the game-plan for a rapidly scaling SME, SiA is equipped to support that journey.

We pride ourselves on the SiA Programme’s capability to be effectively implemented for a wide number of businesses and industries, applying our codified process to support your business goals

Group or Holding Companies

Group or Holding Companies often operate on a global scale, with a large number of independent businesses that operate under the umbrella of a larger group. Whether it’s a Multinational Conglomerate, an Industrial Group, or a Financial Institution, leveraging SiA – such organisations can benefit from:

  • Every business has their own strategy that clearly communicates how it contributes to the group Priorities and Level of Ambition
  • Ownership and buy-in from key stakeholders
  • Managing risk & change effectively
  • Balancing short & long-term financial goals

Corporates with Business Units

The majority of Corporates contain Business Units – which are distinct units within larger organisations – each with its own objectives and management team. Leverage SiA with your Business Units for:

  • Aligning BU strategies with corporate goals
  • Ensuring transparency and effective resource allocation between BUs by the corporate
  • Ensuring effective resource allocation
  • Engaging key BU stakeholders and their experience in the strategy process
  • Enabling buy-in and ownership of the strategy throughout the organisation

Independent Enterprises

Independent Enterprises are often fast growing founder-led companies that face challenges such as rapid growth, internationalisation and capital raising; which are pivotal to their long-term success. SiA is ideally placed to support these organisations to overcome these challenges by:

  • Providing affordable strategy expertise
  • Up-skilling of internal resources
  • Agile and repeatable strategy formulation
  • Making future forecasting simpler
  • Helping stay ahead of the competition

SiA for Private Equity

Private Equity firms have to navigate a high-pressure world and volatile business landscape. Striking the right balance between risk and reward is critical, and one strategic decision can be the game-changer. That’s where Strategy in Action comes in.

SiA stands as a trusted partner to Private Equity firms worldwide, offering:

  • Robust Value Creation Plans tailored for portfolio companies
  • Skill enhancement for both portfolio entities and potential in-house strategy units
  • Centralised, uniform, and impactful reporting on the strategic plans of portfolio companies
  • Codified and proven blueprint for business success
  • Identification and leverage of synergies, promoting best practice dissemination throughout the portfolio
  • Support in the development of Vendor and Commercial Due Diligence


Strategy in Action (SiA) is the strategic cornerstone for industries worldwide, offering tailored solutions to meet unique challenges. From Financial Services to Energy, Telecoms to Transportation, and many more, our program customises its approach to fit the intricacies of each sector.

We have a rich history of serving these industries successfully, enabling transformative growth and ensuring competitive advantages in rapidly-evolving markets.

Navigating the transformative journey of the automotive industry demands a strategic compass attuned to emerging trends and shifts. SiA’s platform equips automotive leaders to both understand and shape this evolving landscape. In an era where electric vehicles, autonomous technology and ridesharing are not just redefining mobility but reshaping global behaviours, our expertise ensures you’re not just in the race, but leading it.

The aerospace and defence sector is at a pivotal juncture, with evolving challenges and fresh opportunities shaping its horizon. SiA enables firms to adeptly navigate these shifts. As commercial aerospace grapples with disruptions, the defence segment remains a stable pillar.

SiA’s approach harmonises these dynamics, fostering defence innovations and reinforcing operations. With SiA, ascend confidently into the future.

The construction industry is in the midst of a transformative era, with the rise of infrastructure investment, the imperative of sustainability, and the revolution of digital innovation. SiA aids industry players in navigating through these tumultuous times. By leveraging SiA, businesses can decode the complexities of sustainable building materials and harness digital advancements for streamlined operations and supply chain resilience. 

SiA ensures that companies are not just future-ready but also positioned as leaders in innovation

Navigating today’s energy landscape requires more than just adaptation; it demands foresight and strategic innovation. As global pressures mount for sustainable, affordable solutions and the imperative for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) integration grows, SiA provides companies with the tools to stay ahead.

With SiA’s guidance, companies can tap into emerging consumer trends and win in the market. SiA ensures businesses are equipped to innovate, transform, and lead in this dynamic sector, propelling them towards sustainable success.

In the evolving financial services landscape, SiA is your strategic guide. We understand the sector’s cyclical challenges and long-term prospects, driven by factors like the rise of retail investors, financing sustainability transitions, and global market investments. SiA equips institutions to embrace these trends while addressing technology-driven disruptions and industry transformation. As we adapt to the post-COVID-19 era, technology remains pivotal for growth and customer satisfaction.

SiA’s strength lies in merging human expertise with technology, offering a holistic approach for value creation from strategy to implementation.

In the ever-changing landscape of the Food & Beverage industry, SiA is your strategic compass. From the accelerated growth of online grocery to the demand for healthier foods and responsible sourcing, we guide businesses through these transformative times. 

SiA equips food and beverage brands with tools to stay ahead of trends. As the industry evolves, SiA ensures that your business not only keeps pace but leads with innovation and customer satisfaction.

SiA, a powerful strategy tool, empowers hospitality companies to navigate the shifting landscape of their industry. It enables you to harness trends such as hyper-personalisation, digitalised guest experiences, and renewable energy adoption, ensuring that your strategies align with the evolving needs of modern travellers. 

With SiA, you can tailor your approach to accommodate leisure travellers, offer holistic health and well-being experiences, and embrace AI-driven solutions. It’s the compass guiding your organisation through the dynamic hospitality terrain.

Manufacturers face both unparalleled opportunities and mounting challenges. As digitisation propels industry change, there’s a need to innovate business models, seamlessly integrate products, and consistently prioritise the customer. Amidst growth, issues like labour shortages and supply chain disruptions persist. Navigating this intricate environment demands a nimble, fluid strategy.

SiA offers an essential end-to-end strategic solution, arming manufacturers with the tools to mitigate risks, capitalise on opportunities, and fortify their position in a volatile market.

The pharmaceutical sector stands on the brink of transformative innovations while grappling with a complex market landscape. Confronted with challenges like rising inflation, talent shortages, and patent expiries, alongside increasing therapeutic competition, success hinges on a focused strategy. Key areas include achieving rapid growth, digitising the value chain, adapting to pricing pressures, and harnessing value-based planning. SiA delivers a comprehensive strategic toolset, enabling pharma companies to navigate these intricacies with precision, fostering innovation, and ensuring sustainable business outcomes in a demanding environment.

In the dynamic retail landscape, SiA understands the convergence of traditional and digital spheres, emphasising data-driven strategies. Guided by our expertise in strategy formulation and execution we help retail businesses navigate challenges from maximising customer loyalty to embracing ESG agendas.

With a holistic approach that merges core retail operations, sustainability, and digital innovations, SiA helps retailers craft future-forward strategies that resonate with all stakeholders.

In the Tech industry characterised by the ongoing shift to cloud, an intensifying global emphasis on cybersecurity, the proliferation of mobile devices & the Internet of Things and, firms confront multifaceted challenges, including shifting client needs and constant technological disruptions.

Strategy in Action (SiA) stands as a beacon for IT companies in this dynamic environment. Offering an end-to-end strategy formulation and execution tool, SiA enables IT enterprises to adeptly navigate market intricacies, efficiently manage costs, and harness new opportunities, ensuring they remain at the forefront of innovation and market leadership.

The telecom sector, amidst the rise of 5G, AI, and the IoT, is experiencing swift changes and mounting pressures from both competition and regulation. This rapid transformation demands telcos to be agile, efficient, and fully embrace digital pathways. SiA, as a comprehensive digital end-to-end strategy tool, aligns with these emerging trends, offering tailored solutions and actionable insights. 

By harnessing SiA, telecom companies can not only navigate the complexities of today but also pre-emptively strategise for tomorrow, ensuring sustained growth and relevance in a dynamic landscape.

In the dynamic landscape of sports and entertainment, where fans demand personalised and interactive content, the way organisations strategise matters immensely. As the lines between physical and digital experiences blur, coupled with the rising clout of streaming providers and the urgency to adapt to swift industry shifts, a nimble strategy is of the essence.
The SiA program enables a repeatable strategic process. It has been designed to upskill our clients and ensure their strategy is adaptable in the long term and therefore positions entertainment and sports companies to win in the market.

In today’s interconnected market, the requirement for an adaptive strategy cuts across all industries. SiA offers a holistic approach that can be seamlessly integrated into the fabric of any organisation. From healthcare to agriculture, publishing to logistics, and beyond, SiA’s robust framework provides a comprehensive strategic plan that caters to unique industry challenges.

With a strong emphasis on team commitment, world-class training, and the promise of a repeatable, impactful strategic process, SiA ensures that organisations are equipped for sustainable success.

This universal applicability ensures that whether you’re in education, real estate, or any other sector not listed above, SiA is geared to drive your strategic aspirations.

Delivered by certified strategy experts

The Strategy in Action Programme is delivered to you by certified SiA Consultants, who are rubber stamped as industry leaders in strategy work.

SiA Consultants have a wide range of industry specialisations: from Automotive to Telecoms, meaning you can find a partner that will fit your business needs, and work seamlessly with your team.

Our SiA Consultants also have specific skill sets honed for larger – or smaller – organisations; with extensive experience relevant for you.

SiA FoodEx Case Study

Want to see how the SiA Programme benefits our clients across the industry spectrum?

Download our comprehensive case study that covers:

  • The client and their business challenge
  • Key outputs and impact achieved
  • Key timelines and the team engaged
  • How the SiA Programme worked for them

Hear what business leaders have to say about SiA

The fun and engaging Strategy in Action Programme helped us to develop an actionable strategy plan for our SouthEast Asia subsidiaries. The SiA process is easy to follow, it includes facilitated workshops, coaching sessions, best practices and curated data and insights that allowed us to focus on execution from day one.

Gunnebo has been working with Strategy in Action for several years, getting support with strategy development, changing the way we do business. The Programme has engaged all leaders in Gunnebo and helped us to develop a clear and robust strategic path forward. The Strategy in Action journey has been a truly transformational one for Gunnebo.

I first started working with the Strategy in Action Programme 10 years ago and it was immediately clear what it brought to the company: strategic thinking with the process in mind to enable a flawless execution. No matter in which field your company is operating, SiA helps you go beyond the knowledge of the area...strategy and process are agnostic!

Andy Ransom
CEO, Rentokill Initial
Stefan Syren
CEO, Gunnebo
Elisa Andrei
Marketing Director, Galapagos

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